Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wanderlust + Love + Vermont

I spent this past weekend at Wanderlust Vermont—a veritable smorgasborg of music, art, yoga and fun. The weather was beyond perfect, there was just one afternoon of thunderstorming rain to remind us that we can get wet, we can be flexible about where exactly we practice and we are really at the whim of mother nature. When I arrived on Thursday, little did I know that the long weekend would keep coming back to love.  It was a simple and sweet through line—as if an inspirational memo had been passed between the presenters.

For my first class I joined Jenny Sauer-Klein for a much needed dose of self love & self care in her “Luminous Moon” woman’s only class. I can’t tell you too much (gasp a man might be reading), but it was such a delightful, non-linear exploration of movement. I walked away feeling more relaxed and grounded than I have in a long time—really truly breathing deeply.   

I have never seen Ani DiFranco perform live before, although many of her most angst ridden albums served as a soundtrack at the most trying times of my younger years. I had no idea the  inspiration and energy I was in store for as she took the stage.  I was enraptured, and surprised I sang along and rocked oldies but goodies.
 And boy has she changed her tune- with a husband, baby and happy home songs from her newer albums spoke of love love love, happiness and the road to get there.

I arrived at the most obscure, and possibly most beautiful tent in that it was almost entirely encompassed in the woods with a flawless breeze wafting through —“The Lair of the Conquering Lion”.  The teacher, Kelly Morris instructed us to smell the grass and try to embrace rather than squeam about the bugs.  I moved my mat to the side and sat down on the earth.  Then she asked us to, “Think of someone who is utterly bereft of the notion that we are totally interconnected, interdependent and supported.  Dedicate your practice to them, in that moment it shifts from being about you to being a sacred worthwhile practice.” Feeling so embraced by the earth beneath my sit bones I felt that expanding love with each earth/sun balancing breath during her guided pranayama. 

It has been a long wait for MC Yogis new album and it has been absolutely worth it!  The album rocks with great beats, inspiring words, again transporting ancient stories of Hanuman, Citta & Ram, Ganesha to the modern yogi.  Every single song and the flow of the album is what I always hope for from a favorite artist.  What an absolute delight to get to see him with his team of vj/dj’s turn it up live—particularly with AcroYoga performances erupting from the audience during “Born to Fly”. The energy was incredible and once again the message was One Love—woven through song,  stories and hip hop beats.
My final class was with Jenny Sauer-Klein & Adam Rinder, “love + light + flight: AcroYoga Therapeutics”. They opened with a chant and Adam telling the story of Citta and Ram the lovers.  It was a simple, relaxing class— super mellow meditative asana was followed by a relaxing Thai Massage and a short flight in Folded Leaf. Jenny & Adam kept it clear and inspiring with a class of over 200 people. It was the perfect ending to the perfect Festival weekend. I am that. I am love.